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2021 Year-End Report

Last year brought many things to our doorstep. We embraced laughter, tears, anger, and heartache. There is no way we could have completely prepared ourselves for some of the things encountered in this ministry. People’s lives are delicate, guards are always up, and emotions run high with the homeless and drug addicted.

October 21st brought forth devastation to us. One of our new family members was struck by a vehicle, ending her life abruptly at the age of 21. Jasmine graced our ministry everyday and soon became our princess. She was our youngest client and was determined to conquer the world.
We saw lives pass, fall apart, change, and started over. It’s amazing to watch God work from one moment to the next. From families that are being evicted at Thanksgiving, to Christmas joy being spread in their new apartment just a month later. We serve an awesome God!

People say there isn’t a need, but the need is great here in our community. Below you will see our numbers for 2021. All of this was made possible by God and the community around us.
A huge thank you to all that made it possible! God bless!

     80 - Local individuals for daily showers
       5 - Transients for one-time showers
   205 - One on one Life Coaching sessions for coping with addiction, domestic violence, & issues

                related to  homelessness.
     42 - Clothing referrals to area ministries
     22 - Homeless verification letters for housing and assistance
     75 - Sleeping bags given out
     11 - Resumes written and job placements
       5 - Individuals entered long-term rehab
       3 - Individuals entered short-term rehab
       4 - Families placed in homes
       2 - Single people placed in homes
     Assisted in 6 orders of protection
             for domestic violence
     Assisted in court through a divorce
     Assisted in finding housing for 4
             clients during domestic violences

Also provided: snacks, weekend food bags, hygiene kits, feminine products, coats, shoes, gloves, scarves, blankets, tarps, t-shirts, underwear, socks, thermals, pillows, tents, backpacks, firewood, kerosene, and rides to appointments.


     We want to THANK all the people, organizations, and churches that helped in making this work possible.  Without your financial support and donated goods, we could never help all the people we were able to help through this past year.  Out of the 80 homeless who came to us for regular showers, we have to remember that this is only a portion of the number of homeless in our area.  It seems like every week we discover more homeless in Hawkins County who have not been reached.  By our estimate, only about 75% of our homeless are addiction related, the other 25% are for other reasons.  We strive to bring the Gospel to life in their lives through conversation, praying with them individually, providing for their hygiene and safety needs, and by generally loving them.

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